Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bottom's up!


Since our gaming group is doing our first ever Apocalypse game this saturday, I need to step up my painting a bit and piece together approximately 1000 pts of traitor Astartes. In order to do that I'll need to finish a 5-man devastator squad, 3 raptors/assault marines and 1 librarian dreadnought.

Since I paint first and assemble second, I tend to paint from the bottom to the top with the arms (which will mostly be magnetized) coming last. Thus far I've done the bases and legs for all marines and the torsos being worked on. I'm not entirely certain I'll manage to finish all arms to anything more than basecoat and highlight on the armour bits, so I'll focus on the few arms I do have to glue on and leave the magnet ones with only the basecoat before starting on the dreadnought (which may or may not get more than the armour plates done, possibly some of the gold as well depending on how fast I can work)

My part of our 3vs4, 8k points per side, battle will (hopefully) consist of:

1x Magister Raptorum Gabranth (Astorath)

5x The Atramentar Honorifica (Honour Guard)
  - Meltagun
  - Thunder hammer

1x Designation "Maelstrom" (Librarian Dreadnought)
  - Blitzkrieg & Nightshroud (Wings & Shield)

10x Raptors; First Claw (Assault Marines)
  - Meltagun x2
  - Power fist

5x Devastators; Eight Claw (Devastators)
  - Missile Launcher x2
  - Lascannon

This for a total of 970 pts.

1 comment:

  1. Sweeet! And you'll make it in time, no worries. Just keep the pace up.
